Always summer, never warm.
This is the mantra painted in the Coast Guard's
Polar Sea Icebreaker. While enjoying warm summers up north I've chosen a second chilly summer in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

the great transition

On Thursday morning, at 06:00, I finished work for 48 hours; expected to be back at work at 06:00 on Saturday morning. So, for two days, I had to upheave my internal clock and move my schedule by twelve hours. The first day I was able to stay up through lunch (think past midnight). The second day, with the help of a two hour nap, I was able to push through until 22:00 and even catch the open mic at the Coffee House that last night!

In my off time, I caught up on some postcards, prepared a couple packages (Christmas presents are delayed until after New Years, this year), made some more cards to fill orders from the Arts & Crafts Fair, e-mailed a few folks, slept a bit, caught up with some friends, did some laundry, cleaned up my room a bit, and thought about life after The Ice (no conclusions).

Now, on days, the town seems to bustle in the morning as people get going, dust flies a little higher since there is more vehicle traffic, the buzz of helicopters is eminent in the a.m. air, and there are people everywhere. My social circle went from about 100 night workers to 900+ dayshifters. That is more of an adjustment than the time difference!

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