Always summer, never warm.
This is the mantra painted in the Coast Guard's
Polar Sea Icebreaker. While enjoying warm summers up north I've chosen a second chilly summer in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a polar solar eclipse

Today was a special day in McMurdo. Being within the Antarctic circle, we were priviledged to be able to see a partial solar eclipse. I like to call it a "polar solar eclipse." My department manager likes to call it "the moon is eating the sun."

Whichever it is, we acquired a piece of welding glass and have been enjoying the astronomical movement (and a better photo will be posted if I get one; it's still a-waxing away as I type).

This is the darkest it will get in McMurdo during the austral summer season since the sun hasn't gone down since October. There is visibly less light coming in the office due to this extraordinary event.
Right at the peak of the eclipse, a cloud pulled over the sun. And, now, only a half hour later, we are seeing snow in McMurdo.

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Anonymous said...

