Always summer, never warm.
This is the mantra painted in the Coast Guard's
Polar Sea Icebreaker. While enjoying warm summers up north I've chosen a second chilly summer in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

winding down

The station is in transition mode with ships coming in and departing, winter-over employees flying into McMurdo and futher, down to the South Pole. Some people are changing positions to get ready for our container ship offload, while others are leaving to head home.

I have had The Crud: Part II. This is two nasty colds in two weeks. I have forgotten what it is to feel healthy! Hopefully things will run their course the next couple days so I feel better soon!

We've had very few penguins around and I've missed all but two (at a distance). There have been whales popping up with the broken ice near our island. It's fun to see them surface and sink.

I am working on putting some travel plans together and coordinating some things with friends. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll know where I'm headed after I leave on the 19th! Similarly, I have no career plans yet, but hope to send the resume to a couple more places in the next couple days.

Some of my good friends are leaving this week. It's disappointing to see them go, but they have exciting things ahead. Two of the closest are Lucas and Amanda. It's been a good season made better with them around.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

I don't think you missed out on much with the superbowl commercials. They seem to get less and less "spectacular" every year.
That's funny, there seems to be a similar illness going around here in SoCal; my roommate has had two or three colds/sinus infections in a row over the last month and been on antibiotics twice. I try to keep to myself! Hope you feel better soon.