Always summer, never warm.
This is the mantra painted in the Coast Guard's
Polar Sea Icebreaker. While enjoying warm summers up north I've chosen a second chilly summer in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Monday, March 10, 2008

great barrier

Monday morning came and we decided to head back into Airlie Beach so Storey could get ready for his two day, two night boat trip that left on Tuesday. We spent part of the morning in the inland town of Proserpine where we found cheap internet at the local library. Proserpine, incidentally, is also the town where there is a hospital equipped to take airlifted patients from the water to the emergency room for a three day stay if you have the unfortunate collision with a box jellyfish, or irukandji stinger.

After settling in our camp later in Airlie, we took off to find some late lunch at one of the restaurants on the tourist strip and take an evening swim in the town Lagoon. The Lagoon is a huge swimming pool built into the shoreline so that people can safely swim without the stingers all year long. It's also a close option for swimming as the tide can go out quite a ways when it is down. We successfully stayed out of the sun all day long to protect our sunburns and the water was so nice after a hot and humid day.

The next day, we spent the morning purchasing sunscreen, a beach bag, and an underwater camera for Storey's trip and I booked my own day trip for the next day. I was excited and sad to spend a day on my own, so I was happy to run into my friend Nichole, and her boyfriend, Drew, who were staying in the area. After I dropped off Storey at the marina, I caught up with them for the afternoon and evening.

Nichole and Drew had seen some colorful lorakeets in the palm trees the night before, so we took a walk to see if they would return. They did come back around 7:30pm. In all their noise, they are quite beautiful little birds. They swarmed the trees to find a mate. By the time we left them, they were all paired off. We had dinner together as well at Fish D'Vine. I had Spanish Mackerel fish 'n chips. This turned out to be a poor decision as I came down with a little case of food poisoning that night and the next morning.

1 comment:

Emily Dykstra said...

You and Nichole look like sisters!