Always summer, never warm.
This is the mantra painted in the Coast Guard's
Polar Sea Icebreaker. While enjoying warm summers up north I've chosen a second chilly summer in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

the north tip of the roadtrip

We took a relatively short drive up to Airlie Beach on our next day of driving. We were ready to stop somewhere and figure out where we should take our trips out to the Reef. A friend of mine was staying in Airlie and so we wandered into the town, booked a trip for Storey and then promptly left to find a place to put down the tent for a couple nights before his trip took off.

The little town we found to spend some time in was Bowen; home of the big mango. This beach town is normally distinguished with many beautiful beaches, but due to recent storms and a levy breaking in a river, the water was silty and had damaged a few establishments close to the water. We seem to miss the rain wherever we go, so everyone has some weather to talk about and we nod our heads and are grateful that God has blessed us with beautiful sunny beach days.

We found Bowen to be a sleepy little town with genuine hospitality an little to do after 6pm (even the grocer). I suppose in that way, it was a nice place to spend a couple of days after being on the road so long!

While we adjusted to our new surroundings by doing about 12 laps around the town in our little Toyota, we found the "best view in town" on the top of a hill with a 360 degree view of the surrounding area. We also found Rose Bay Caravan Park where we plopped the tent down at a discount because it was the owners 50th birthday and her maiden name matched Storey's last name.

On yet another loop around Bowen, we found a beautiful sunset. We pulled over and watched it for awhile. We also realized that this town sported "Storey Street." However, this was the only street in town to be missing its' street sign; a true disappointment!

1 comment:

Emily Dykstra said...

That's a MANGO? It looks like an Easter egg!