Always summer, never warm.
This is the mantra painted in the Coast Guard's
Polar Sea Icebreaker. While enjoying warm summers up north I've chosen a second chilly summer in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Monday, March 17, 2008

by the numbers

I just acquired status with American Airlines, so before we left Australia we had breakfast at the Qantas Club before pushing off for a 13 hour trip across the Pacific. All-in-all, we put on 3337 kilometers on 12 day rental car using about 6 tanks of petrol (at about $1.33 per litre). We hit at least 9 Northeastern Australian and 2 New Zealand beaches. We camped 2 nights in the car, 9 nights in a tent, and splurged for 3 nights in a hostel or hotel with friends. And, while I'm talking numbers and friends, we encountered 5 friends from The Ice while we were in Australia. Our St. Patrick's day was 41 hours long since we crossed the International Dateline and started the 17th all over again. We had breakfast 2 times; once in Brisbane, then lunch on the plane, and breakfast again before landing in Los Angeles. We each had 7 flights to get us from McMurdo to our airport of departure. 2 many numbers, but definitely 1 fantastic trip!

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